Thursday 6 September 2007

courtesy of the CBWPS website:

Three Choughs arrived on the Lizard peninsula in south-west Cornwall early in 2001. Two of the birds paired up, the third leaving the area. The pair nested successfully in 2002, the first breeding in England for fifty years.
They have bred annually since, raising a total of 20 young. In 2006 a second pair bred. They are made up of a male from the 2004 Lizard brood and an unringed female. Three young fledged, making a total of eight young this year. A third pair built a nest but the female was found dead.
In north-west Europe, Choughs still breed in Scotland, Ireland, Wales, the Isle of Man and Brittany. In 1992 there were 342 pairs in Britain and the Isle of Man. Elsewhere in Europe, the birds breed in mountains from Iberia, through the Alps to Greece and Turkey

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